Don’t miss performance with International Guest Artist from Universidad Veracruzana

Join the School of Performing Arts for a unique opportunity to engage with international guest artist from Universidad Veracruzana, Karina Eguia. For an immersive experience, catch a live performance of “Borderline” from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20 in the Litwin Theatre of the Heskett Center Dance Studios, showcasing exceptional talent and cultural artistry.

“Borderline” is a solo theatre performance whose text arises from collective creation. It is based in Mexico, but the creative development occurred in artist residencies in Barcelona and Madrid. The title of the work defines the conflict of the central character, Georgina Blanco, who is a victim of the personality disorder known as Borderline. This disorder is characterized primarily by emotional dysregulation; individuals often have extremely polarized thoughts and chaotic interpersonal relationships.

Learn more about the history of the partnership with Universidad Veracruzana.