CARE Team sees a continued need among students

CARE Team case managers worked a total of 30 CARE cases for the month of July. The top three concerns reported in July were students experiencing distress, lack of access to basic needs and family concerns. These top concerns mirrored the top concerns reported in June. CARE Team observed that housing instability and food insecurity during the summer months have been the top barriers to student success and among the top concerns that have been voiced. The CARE Team case managers from the Office of Student Outreach & Support worked to refer students to campus and community resources to help address these barriers. The top community referral was United Way, addressing housing and shelter options available to students, as well as identifying food resources close in proximity to the student that they could utilize. When addressing these concerns, case managers would assess the student holistically, assessing why these were barriers such as lack of financial support, needing employment or other factors outside of their control. Out of the 30 students referred to the CARE Team in July, only six declined in-person meetings and were provided resource information through the phone or email source.

As the fall semester approaches, CARE Team is prepared to continue addressing the ongoing housing and food needs for students and providing coordination of care. Historically, the needs of students in the month of August are centered around belonging, homesickness and adjusting to college life. CARE Team will continue to support students with barriers to success by addressing the concerns and challenges that lay ahead for students. As students arrive for the fall 2024 semester, remember CARE Team is here to support not only students, but also faculty and staff in addressing student concerns. If you have questions regarding resources available on campus or within the community, give the office a call at 316-978-3149 or contact the case management office, Student Outreach & Support, at 316-978-6112.