Winslow wins 114th annual Kansas Amateur

In a hotly contested championship match, Wichita State men’s golfer Michael Winslow defeated Kansas Jayhawk Will King to win the 2024 Kansas Amateur title Sunday afternoon at Topeka Country Club.

Winslow, a native of Overland Park, Kansas, took down six golfers to take the crown, including defeats of two-seed Alex Springer as well as the reigning Kansas Am Champion and Shocker teammate, Zach Sokolosky. Winslow avenged his defeat to Sokolosky in last year’s championship match with a come-from-behind victory over his former teammate in this year’s championship semifinal.

“This win is a testament to Mike’s hard work and dedication to his craft,” head men’s golf coach Judd Easterling said. “He never loses faith in his game, and I am so proud of him and his results this week.”