Japanese courses will be offered during the summer and fall semesters

JAPN 323: Anime and Manga will be offered for the first time during the summer at the Old Town Campus. The class will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Flexibility is available for students who cannot attend in person.

In addition, new Japanese-language courses will be offered this fall. JAPN 104: Intro to Japanese (three credits) and JAPN 105: Elementary Japanese I (three credits) will replace JAPN 111. Students can choose between taking JAPN 104 as a 16-week course at the Old Town Campus, or taking both JAPN 104 and 105 in the same semester as 8-week courses on the main campus.

Finally, JAPN 324: Japanese Film will be offered in the fall as well. The course counts as a general education credit and will be taught on the Old Town Campus.