Join the Industrial, Systems and Manufacturing Engineering Department for a seminar by Mohammadreza Daroonparvar Ph.D., from the National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME), Mechanical Engineering Department, Auburn University, from 9:30 to 10:50 a.m. Thursday, April 18 in 142 Rhatigan Student Center, Harvest Room.
The presentation will be on, “From Surface Coatings to Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Materials: Processing-Microstructure-Property Relationships, Effect of Post-Process Treatments, Challenges and Perspective for Future Research.” Light refreshments and snacks will be served.
Seminar abstract:
Understanding processing-microstructure-property relationships and post-process treatments is vital in the realms of coatings and additively manufactured (AM) parts as it directly influences material performance, durability and functionality. In metallic coatings/deposits, this knowledge facilitates the selection of deposition techniques and parameters to achieve desired microstructures, which in turn govern properties such as corrosion resistance, wear resistance and high temperature oxidation resistance. Similarly, in AM parts, controlling post-process treatments is essential for refining microstructure, texture, relieving residual stresses and enhancing overall part integrity. Despite its significance, there are notable gaps in this field, particularly in elucidating the intricate relationships between processing parameters, microstructural evolution and resultant material properties. Additionally, there is a need for further research to develop effective post-process treatments tailored to specific material systems and applications, ultimately advancing the performance and reliability of metallic coatings and AM parts. In this talk, I will present a concise overview of both my past and ongoing research endeavors dedicated to bridging some of these critical gaps within this field of study.
Bio sketch:
Dr. Daroonparvar currently serves as postdoctoral associate in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Auburn University. After receiving his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from UTM in 2013, he has held various roles in both academia and industry. His extensive scholarly contributions include over 90 journal articles, three book chapters and four conference papers, which have garnered citations exceeding 2800 and an h-index of 33 (as evidenced by his Google Scholar profile). In addition, he has held a role on the editorial board of MDPI’s Journals of Coatings and Materials since 2020. His research interests span various areas, including surface repair/refurbishment and coatings development particularly for lightweight metals using cold spray technology; improvement of high-temperature oxidation behavior in Ni-based superalloys using thermal barrier coatings; investigation of corrosion initiation and propagation mechanisms; exploration of surface electrochemistry using electrochemical techniques; and analysis of processing-microstructure-property relationships in coatings and AM metallic materials.