Prepping your Blackboard Classic courses for Blackboard Ultra

Next week, around April 15, summer classes will populate in Blackboard. The summer Blackboard course shells will all be in Ultra Course Format. Blackboard Classic Format will no longer be available at Wichita State as of the end of the spring 2024 term. If you are going to teach this summer, you can improve your Ultra Course Format experience by adapting your original courses in the following ways:

  • Review your “tests” area and delete any old test banks that you don’t use.
  • Check your “grade center” area and make sure you don’t have any hidden columns. If you do have hidden columns, unhide them.
  • Do not “convert” your original course to an Ultra course. Instead, wait for the Ultra course shell, go to that shell area and copy your content from original into the Ultra course.

For other advice about how to prepare and then copy an original course to an Ultra course shell, check out the information in the “Ultra Training for Instructors” Blackboard course. If you don’t have access to that course, contact the Office of Instructional Resources at