University Libraries announces OA publishing deal with ACM and Springer

If you are a corresponding author publishing a research article in an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) or Springer journal, you may be able to publish your article open access without paying OA fees. The University Libraries subscribes to ACM Digital Library and Springer journals through consortiums. The consortiums have negotiated subscription deals that let authors affiliated with their members publish open access in many ACM and Springer journals without paying Open Access publishing fees. These deals let the University Libraries provide OA publishing with no additional cost to the author or the library. 

When you submit an article to ACM or Springer, you will need to use your email address and list Wichita State University as your institutional affiliation. When your article is accepted, the publisher’s submission software will check eligibility for open access publication under a library deal.  

For ACM, all research articles will automatically be published OA if the corresponding author is affiliated with Wichita State University. For Springer, corresponding authors will have the option to choose OA publication when a research article is accepted for a hybrid journal. For a list of eligible Springer journals, see the Open Access Agreement for Lyrasis page.  

If you have questions, contact Virginia Kay Williams at in the University Libraries.