Nationally recognized speaker visiting WSU to speak with first-gen students about attaining career success in college and beyond

Friday, March 1, One of the most transformational speakers in the nation will be visiting Wichita State University to talk with first-generation students about the keys to attaining career success in college and beyond from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, March 1 in the CAC Theater.

With one study revealing that more than 50% of college graduates are either underemployed or unemployed, Dr. Joshua Fredenburg will be visiting campus to share specific career strategies that first-generation students can use to position themselves for career success in college and beyond.

Dr. Fredenurg is a nationally acclaimed speaker, author, leadership consultant and a visionary force in personal and organizational development. With a career spanning over sixteen years, he has touched lives across 49 states and globally, delivering powerful messages on leadership, diversity and inclusion, student success and personal empowerment.

Holding a doctoral degree in organizational leadership from Nova Southeastern University and a master’s degree from Biola University, Dr. Fredenburg combines academic rigor with real-world experience. His journey is not just marked by professional achievements but also by his profound impact on individuals and organizations.

As the president and founder of the First-Generation Student Career Conference, he has transformed the lives of thousands, especially culturally diverse and first-generation students, guiding them towards leadership excellence. Recognized for his contributions, he has received numerous accolades, including an honorary membership from Golden Key International and recognition as a Top Leader Under 40 in South Florida.

“My goal as a speaker is not only to inspire, motivate and empower students with information that will enable them to thrive, succeed and reach their fullest potential as a student, but it’s ignite the purpose in them to make a positive impact in their community, nation and world,” Dr. Fredenurg said.

The department on campus that will be hosting the event is the TRIO Student Support Services office which is led by Dr. Linda F. Rhone. Dr. Rhone and her team do an incredible job at providing excellent programming that helps first-generation students thrive, succeed, graduate and position themselves for career success in college and beyond.

To learn more about the event, contact the offices of Dr. Joshua Fredenburg by reaching out to his speaking team at 305-298-3632 or via email at