The College of Engineering has announced that Dr. Anil Mahapatro will serve as its associate dean for undergraduate and graduate programs. A similar position, associate dean of undergraduate studies, finance and administration, was previously held by Dr. Steven Skinner, who returned to teaching and research within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering this past June. The new associate dean role will involve enhancing curriculum relevance, refreshing the Engineering+ program and expanding current programs to train workforce-ready students.
Before accepting the associate dean position, Dr. Mahapatro served as a professor in and chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Within his role as a department chair, he fostered its growth from an undergraduate program to offering both master’s and doctoral degrees, demonstrating his ability to envision, create and execute strategic growth plans. According to Dr. Anthony Muscat, the dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Mahapatro’s collaborative spirit and dedication will be instrumental in helping the college become even stronger.