Parking Services is excited to announce the creation of a parking garage add-on ePermit for the spring semester. Any current ePermit holder is eligible to purchase this add-on for $50. The add-on will allow ePermit holders to park on floor two, the ramp to three, floor three and the ramp to four at anytime in the spring semester without having to pay the hourly rate. This ePermit will go on sale at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 2 in person at the University Police Department. Payment is to be with cash or check only and a limited amount of these ePermits will be made available. You must have a current ePermit on file or you will be required to buy one at the time of the add-on purchase.
This is the first semester the add-on is available. Because this is a pilot program, Parking Services is open to feedback and will look to make any necessary adjustments before offering the add-on again in the fall.