Melissa Vagts, associate clinical professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD), was an invited presenter on the “Making Sense of Myo: Using Orofacial Myology To Support Differential Diagnosis” episode of the SLP Learning Series podcast on SpeechTherapyPD.com.
The episode explored how knowledge of orofacial myology allows speech pathologists to effectively use differential diagnosis to determine the best plan of care for patients. Melissa explained when a myofunctional approach would not be appropriate and the qualifications a patient needs to effectively participate in a myofunctional program. She also shared ways knowledge of typical oromyofunction can allow speech pathologists to modify treatment approaches and include myofunctional concepts to support speech and swallowing skills.
Vagts has worked in outpatient clinical settings, public schools and university clinics. She currently teaches and supervises speech-language pathology graduate students. She developed the Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD) graduate course and co-developed a Pediatric Feeding Group to provide students with applied learning opportunities.