Randy Sessions, UPD, retires after 38 years of service

Wichita State congratulates Randy Sessions, technology specialist for the University Police Department, on his retirement after serving WSU for 38 years.

Before joining the UPD, Sessions worked in the College of Engineering for over 22 years starting in 1985 and in the university’s ITS Telecommunications department for eight years. While working at WSU, Sessions was an active participant in the university’s Staff Senate, serving as president three times, and chaired the Alternative Service Committee that looked at and facilitated the move from Classified Staff to University Support Staff. He also sat on multiple search committees, including the Presidential Search Committee in December 2020, and he currently serves as a member of the WSU Retiree Association Organizing Committee.

For his service to the university, Sessions received the President’s Distinguished Service Award in 2016, and he was honored as a Bender of Twigs in 2011.

Wichita State thanks Sessions for his years of service to the university and wishes him well on his retirement. If you would like to send Sessions congratulations, you can email randy.sessions@shockers.wichita.edu.