New financial services certificate and scholarships created by Barton School of Business, KIFSEF

The Barton School of Business and the Kansas Insurance and Financial Services Education Foundation (KIFSEF) have joined forces to create a new Certificate in Financial Services through the Barton School. This certificate reflects the modern and interconnected financial services sector, and comes as the result of a direct need for banking, insurance, healthcare and other industries.

“Frankly, there is a talent shortage across our industry,” said Jannett Wiens, executive director, KIFSEF. “The Barton School’s effort including the formation of its financial services certificate will help to provide students with the acumen needed to thrive in an industry that continues to grow and diversify.”

As part of the collaboration, KIFSEF will provide $1,000 scholarships for students who complete the certificate.

“This certificate will provide Kansas companies with a pipeline of students who will be knowledgeable and excited about the possibilities the sector provides,” said Dr. Timothy Craft, Barton School associate professor and leader of the program. “We’re very grateful for the support from KIFSEF to help us make this certificate a possibility.”