Round 2 of Multidisciplinary Research Project Awards proposals are due Dec. 15

The Faculty Support Committee would like to invite faculty to submit proposals for the Multidisciplinary Research Project Awards (MURPA) competition. The four- and seven-year success rate for MURPA applications is 89% and 55% respectively. In this pilot round two opportunity, the Faculty Support Committee would like to extend the eligibility for MURPA grants to also include distinguished and endowed professors, and non-tenure track (teaching) faculty who can serve as co-PIs. Up to four MURPA grants will be awarded. 

Proposals are due to the Office of Research no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. The MURPA opportunity provides funding of up to $7,500 for faculty projects that involve two or more investigators from different disciplines that focus different perspectives and capabilities on complex problems that intersect established areas of study. Proposers must work with a Grant Specialist in the Office of Research before submission and all complete applications require an endorsement from the chair and dean. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed or considered. Contact to get started or visit the website for additional information.