College of Fine Arts presents Ukrainian pianist, Vadym Kholodenko, in recital

The College of Fine Arts presents world-renowned Ukrainian pianist, Vadym Kholodenko, in recital at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31 in Wiedemann Hall. Vadym Kholodenko was born in 1986 in Kyiv, Ukraine and won the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2013.

He captured the attention of jury, audience and critics alike for “mesmerizing and exhilarating” performances that brought the crowd to their feet, “cheering like a rock star.”  The program is underwritten by the estate of Joyce Snelling Grubbs, and ticket proceeds will fund music scholarships.

WSU students with a Shocker ID can request their student tickets at no additional charge in advance by going to the Fine Arts Box Office located in Duerksen Fine Arts Center during operating hours.