Student Organizations on campus: 3D Printed Prosthetics

Shockers, did you know about the numerous student organizations you can join on campus? From sports clubs to cultural and international clubs, there’s an organization for you to get involved on campus and collaborate with your peers.

This week’s student organization is 3D Printed Prosthetics, designed by, and for students to acquire real world experience with 3D printed prosthetics. Students will be given opportunities to work with and assist those who may need assistive devices.

Organization name: 3D Printed Prosthetics WSU
Meeting times: Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
Social media:
Instagram: @3dprintedprosthetics
Facebook: 3D Printed Prosthetics WSU
X: @Prosthetics3d
LinkedIn: 3D Printed Prosthetics

  • What is your organization’s mission?
    Our mission is to provide students with real life experience towards the development of prosthetics and assistive devices for members of our community.
  • Why should students join your organization?
    Students will be able to gain valuable experience in the research, development, prototyping and delivery of prosthetics.
  • What are your hopes for your organization in the coming school year?
    Our priority is to aid members of our community through the efforts of our organization. We hope to be able to deliver prosthetics/assistive devices that will make an impact to members of our community.
  • How can the community learn more about or join your organization?
    Members can remain updated by visiting our website and browsing through our projects, and our general meetings will be open to all students for organization and project updates.
  • Austin Rempel, junior product design major, had this to say about being a member of 3D Printed Prosthetics:
    “This club has allowed me to understand the enjoyment and fulfillment of engineering outside of just classes. The ability I’ve had to learn through real world problems and applications in this club is what has given me hope for a future in engineering, and I will always be incredibly grateful for that.”

Tune back in every week to learn more about a student organization on campus. Student organizations are housed under Student Engagement, Advocacy and Leadership (SEAL); visit SEAL’s website to learn more about student organizations and other ways to get involved.