Wichita State alumna Dr. Rae Niles, former professional learning senior manager for Apple, will be the guest speaker for the upcoming Corbin Connect Speaker Series event from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, April 7 in the WSUTV studio in the Media Resources Center.
The presentation will address digital transformation as it relates to teaching and learning. In addition to working for Apple for 15 years, Niles also served as the director of curriculum and technology at USD 439. Corbin Connect is sponsored by Credit Union of America.
Seat reservations are required, and space is limited. The event is free and open to the public. Those interested can RSVP to attend in person or view the presentation via livestream through WSUTV.
As part of the College of Applied Studies, Corbin Connect connects individuals and organizations through development outreach in order to better serve communities. It strives to support innovative ideas and serves to engage stakeholders in a variety of impactful ways.