Congrats to Dr. Sarah Jolley and Vanessa Lohf, Wichita State’s Community Engagement Institute (CEI,) for their project being recently highlighted by the United Nations Foundation as part of its American Leadership on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) series.
The United Nations Foundation was formed to support the United Nations and serve as a strategic partner and resource for the United Nations in solving global problems.
In the first year of this project, Jolley and Lohf facilitated a virtual Learning Collaborative with the five community teams that involved presentations from community foundations in the United States, Canada, England and Sicily. For the second year of the project, CEI will bring the communities together four times as part of a Community of Practice to facilitate progress on implementation plans developed by each Foundation.
CEI is also documenting learnings from the process to develop a white paper on the results of the pilot project that will be shared with other community foundations in the United States and around the world.