Process Communication Model training now available at CEI

Wichita State’s Community Engagement Institute now has Process Communication Model training available. The Process Communication Model (PCM) is a tool designed by psychologist Dr. Taibi Kahler to understand how and why people communicate. It helps participants to observe their behavior, understand the behavior of others, and equips participants to communicate more effectively.

PCM differentiates among six personality types, which we all have in us: Thinker, persister, rebel, promoter, harmonizer, and imaginer. Each type has its strengths and preferences and a different combination takes center stage in each person. The four steps to practicing PCM include the following:

  • Be aware of your personality – Understanding your communication preferences means knowing what you need to be in a good place. This will help to manage stress and take care of yourself.
  • Recognize what other people do, say, and show – Observing other people’s recognizable behavior reveals their preferences and enables you to communicate with them more effectively.
  • Adapt your communication style – Based on what you observe, you will know what to do, say, and show, so that you can make a genuine connection that works for you both.
  • Build stronger relationships – PCM fosters positive daily interactions at work, meetings, video calls, presentations, social situations, and at home.

For more information or to sign up for the training, please contact Cy Rogers, PCM trainer, at