TRIO programs help prep high school students

TRIO is a group of federally funded outreach programs that were put in place to support disadvantaged students who want to pursue higher education. Wichita State sponsors eight TRIO programs, each of them focusing on a specific population and with a unique focus. Read about four TRIO programs below:

  • Communication Upward Bound prepares high school students for college programs that lead to careers in communication. Students learn about the new world of communication while learning and honing their public speaking, writing, and media production skills.
  • Upward Bound Empowerment assists high school students from limited-income backgrounds who are first-generation, limited income, and foster care students with academic potential but who may have inadequate secondary school preparation.
  • Upward Bound Wichita Prep prepares high school students for success in postsecondary education. Project services include a summer-instructional component; instruction in subjects including mathematics through pre-calculus, laboratory science, and foreign language; mentoring programs; counseling; and exposure to cultural events.
  • Upward Bound Math/Science prepares high school students for college programs that lead to careers in math and science. Services include intensive instruction in math and science, including hands-on experience; opportunities to learn from mathematicians and scientists; and a summer instructional component.

Since 1986, the last Saturday of each February has been designated as National TRIO Day to recognize the efforts of these programs in assisting our nation’s low-income and first-generation college students.