Environmental Finance Center releases Wichita Litter Study Findings

The Environmental Finance Center at Wichita State University (EFC) conducted the Wichita Litter Study and has published a detailed report. The study engaged local citizen scientists to collect and document litter in 12 municipal parks.

In total, 1,765 pieces of litter were categorized during the collection events. 47% of the litter collected was plastic, with 75% of that plastic generated from the food and beverage industry. The data collected in this study tells us that Wichita’s litter is comparable in quantity and type to other communities who have done similar studies, opening opportunities to borrow, share and test ideas to find the practices that work best for Wichita to reduce litter in our community.

Recommendations for prevention and reduction of litter include continued research into long-term solid waste management adjustments, adaptations to landscaping and maintenance plans and community and business outreach and education.

For more information, contact Michelle DeHaven at michelle.dehaven@wichita.edu.