What is a first-gen student? A first-generation college student is defined as a student whose parents or legal guardians have not completed a bachelor’s degree and students who are the first person in their immediate families to attend a four-year college or university to attain a bachelor’s degree.
- The First Gen Coordinating Council (FGCC) is happy to introduce The Alpha Alpha Alpha (Tri-Alpha) a first-generation honor society open to all first-generation Wichita State students, faculty, staff and alumni. Tri-Alpha membership is built to support and advocate for the academic excellence of first-generation college students.
- FOCUS ON FIRST-GEN: This week we highlight Cheryl K. Miller, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Senior Assistant Dean for Academic and Staff Operations.
- F1RST-GEN T-Shirts are available in the RSC Shocker Store for $12.
- If you’re interested in being featured as a first-generation profile, contact fgshockers@wichita.edu.