Shock This Space: A Wichita State hackathon

Shock This Space is a 24-Hour hackathon for students to work alone or in teams to create a comic or short graphic narrative around the topic of accessibility 7  p.m.-7 p.m. Oct.7-8 at the John Bardo Center. The winning individual or team will receive a $500 cash award.

During the hack, students will write, design, and present their stories. Stories can include explaining what accessibility is, why it is important, how it is achieved, problems achieving it on a college campus or why it benefits everyone. 

Shock This Space is sponsored by Wichita State’s Department of English, the Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Office of Disability Services, the Student Activities Council, and the University Innovation Fellows.

The deadline to enter is midnight Sunday,  Oct. 3.