Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Teri Hall will host a come-and-go reception for Nancy Loosle 4-5 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 1 at the Aster Lounge located on the third floor of the Rhatigan Student Center. Brief remarks will take place at 4:15 p.m.
Nancy will be leaving her position as assistant dean of students and director of student involvement for a new position at Radford University in Roanoke, Virginia. Nancy has been an instrumental part of the development of Wichita State’s Division of Student Affairs for almost 20 years. Her role has evolved and developed as WSU Student Involvement changed to adjust to the changing needs of students and the institution. She has been a valued voice on the WSU Student Affairs Leadership Team and within the dean of students area. She has mentored and advised countless students and young professionals. Her steady leadership will be greatly missed.
The WSU Division of Student Affairs thanks Nancy for the incredible work she has done during her time at WSU, and congratulates her for the opportunity to share her skills with a new institution.