F1RST-Gen Shocker Friday: Anne Marie Brown

What is a first-gen Student?

A first-generation college student is defined as a student whose parents or legal guardians have not completed a bachelor’s degree. A student who is the first person in their immediate family to attend a four-year college or university to attain a bachelor’s degree.

  • FORM-A-LINE: Become a subcommittee member of FGCC. The First-Generation Coordinating Council (FGCC) is looking for individuals to join in the work. Currently seeking subcommittee members for the following:
    • Marketing
    • Faculty and staff engagement
    • Data and assessment
    • Graduate school
  • FOCUS ON FIRST-GEN: This week we highlight Anne Marie Brown, bachelor of arts in music education, College of Fine Arts, School of Music, administrative officer.
  • F1RST-GEN T-Shirts are available in the RSC Shocker Store for $12.
  • If you’re interested in being featured as a first-generation profile, contact Lydia Santiago.