WSU publishes guidance and training video on flexible work arrangements

To provide the opportunity for work/life balance, job satisfaction, and a more inclusive workplace, Wichita State University recognizes the need to offer flexible working arrangements. The university also recognizes that guidance may be helpful for employees who want to request a flexible work arrangement and in determining when Flexible Work Arrangements may be mutually beneficial for both the employee and the University/department.

HR has developed a dedicated webpage for Flexible Work Arrangement that provides information to help identify if a situation is suitable for the requested arrangement. A recorded training session is available on the website with detailed information and can be viewed on demand. Requests for assistance may also be made of the HR business partner assigned to the department.

Examples of Flexible Work Arrangements offered by the university are:

• Compressed Work Week

• Flextime

• Job Sharing

• Reduced-Time Work

• Remote Work

It is important to remember that Flexible Work Arrangements are a privilege and not all employees or positions are eligible for a Flexible Work Arrangement. Flexible Work Arrangements, if granted, are not a contract of employment and do not provide any contractual rights to continued employment or continued flexible work. All University policies and procedures continue to apply.