Blackboard login and landing pages to change

On Saturday, May 29, Blackboard’s login page and landing page (the place you come to first when you login) will change significantly. This is a cosmetic change and will not impact Blackboard’s functionality. The change will be triggered at 8 a.m., and by 9 a.m. it will be complete.

What will happen on May 29? Our login area will become streamlined with a photo of campus in the background of the page, and a login box in the center. Use the button that says “Login with myWSU ID” to authenticate through the university’s single-sign-on. Once you login, you will access your “my courses” area by clicking the “courses” link in the left-hand menu.

What will not change? Once you enter your course, it will look very similar to how it looks now. There will be some color changes as all courses will be standardized in terms of color. Everything should be in the same place, however. And tool availability will be the same. Your courses will still be in “old familiar Blackboard” and will not be in the “Ultra course format.”

Why is this change is happening on May 29? This date allows spring term grades to be turned in and for summer pre-session classes to be complete before the cosmetic changes to the login and landing pages happen.

How will students will be notified? Students will be notified through Shocker Blast and their advisors. Please help spread the word.

Where to go with questions: The Office of Instructional Resources has created an FAQ page. If you have other questions, please send them to